Coleman, Theophilus Edwin
Dr Theophilus Edwin Coleman completed his BA (Political Science and Information Studies) in 2012 from the University of Ghana. In 2016, Edwin completed his LLB degree cum laude at the University of Cape Coast. Theophilus obtained his LLM in International Commercial Law, also cum laude, from the University of Johannesburg (UJ). In 2018, he received the coveted Global Excellence Stature Scholarship from the University of Johannesburg to pursue his Doctor of Laws (LLD) qualification. Edwin is an alumnus of The Hague Academy of International Law in The Netherlands. He has also completed an internship program at the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). He served as a Research Fellow at the Institute of European Law in Germany in 2019. Edwin is currently engaged as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Johannesburg under the Global Excellence Stature (GES) Fellowship 4.0 Scholarship. Dr Coleman publishes on international commercial law, private international law, labour law and social security.
Duarte, António
He teaches on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Faculty of Psychology – University of Lisbon, including modules in Educational Psychology, Qualitative Research Methods and Psychology of Art.
Besides, he has intervened and researched in the following relevant (for the human rights – HR) areas: empowerment of students through promotion of “active/deep learning”, specifically through art-based counselling; development of an attitude of “patient centered care” in health staff and students through health humanities, specifically through art-based training; reality, factors, and consequences of artists’ work and ontological precarity, along with intervention strategies on it; relationship of art and HR, both in terms of how arts can contribute to the defense and promotion of HR, and of the HR of artists and audiences.
Chetty, Krish
Krish Chetty is a Research Manager at the Equitable Education and Economies Division of the Human Sciences Research Council. He holds a Masters Qualification in Knowledge and Information Management from the University of Stellenbosch ) and is a PhD candidate with Nelson Mandela University in the Computing Science Department. His core research interests lie in the social applications of innovative technologies that contribute to eradicating poverty, inequality and unemployment. His works span Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Inclusion, Platform Economies, Financial Technologies and Renewable Energy discourses. He previously worked in the HSRC’s BRICS Research Centre, representing the HSRC and South Africa in several BRICS academic events. His recent publications cover subjects such as digital literacy, AI, online learning, renewable energy contributions to economic development and FinTech partnerships in BRICS.
DEPARTMENT: Equitable Education and Economies
Finnerty, Joe
He has taught on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the School of Applied Social Studies since 1999, including modules in housing and homelessness, social indicators and poverty measurement, and survey methods.
Joe is one of the coordinators of the Welfare Policy, Homelessness and Social Exclusion working group in the European Network of Housing Researchers.
He has published widely on aspects of housing and homelessness. With Cathal O’Connell and Dessie Donnelly, he contributed a chapter on the right to housing to O’hAdhmaill, F. and McCann, G. (eds.). Critical Perspectives on International Human Rights and Social Policy: Global Welfare and Development. Bristol: Policy Press.
His current research is on the impact of COVID-19 on Irish homeless services. The first report, Systems Accelerant?, with research assistant Margaret Buckley, (in a planned series of three) was published in February 2021. The second report in the series is Finnerty, J., Cullinane, C. and Buckley, M. (2021). The Experiences of Simon Communities’ Service Users During the Pandemic. Dublin: Simon Communities of Ireland. The third and final report is Finnerty, J., Cullinane, M. and Buckley, M. (2021). Sustaining the Accelerant? Dublin: Simon Communities of Ireland. These second and third reports were published in September 2021.
Herrmann, Peter
He always thought, the entire jurisprudence is kind of rubbish — there is no right until you get it, although everything is put into paragraphs … at some stage, more by accident I studied sociology, getting excited, as it allowed me to … to become interested in economics, studied that, excited as it had been obviously reduced on the least important things, the famous two lines demand – supply — changing it to supply – demand didn’t change much – that I knew from having studied political science. Great, all useless … looked after my sweetheart, had been “a mother to her” – ops, legal definition of a mother = father … together with her, I worked on my doctorate, finally being a doc.phil. and got …, well, somebody asked me if I wanted to work for a university in Ireland – and as I did not know what to do with all the spare time of being unemployed, separated, young (well, seen from today) and not really able to make a living out of working as “voluntary observer” of the European Union I said why not. When I approach the island, the aircraft moving along the coastline, across the fields … destination Cork, I said to myself: if it works out with the job or if it doesn’t: it seems to be a nice enough place to live. The senior research position became reality, though without pay. Still, I have had an access card to the European Parliament = subsidised lunch …
All these Europeans … so exciting, especially when you discuss the legal side of Wohlfahrtsbriefmarken, subsidised stamps, some German speciality and as such a tricky thing when it comes to law, not least competition law, subsidies … – confirmation: law is not my thing — it is admin, red tape and …, yes, that is it, indeed: power.
Teaching, Lobbying in Brussels, presentations, some research projects, e.g. Social Benefit Law in France and the UK, occupational safety and health law, implementation in Ireland in farming and public services. Somebody told me, after delivering the reports: the Commission loves especially your chapters . They are more about reality, not so much on paragraphs. I moved to Rome – complicated, ended up for some time at one of the pontifical universities (the place where future popes are trained – honour as payment, even if it didn’t work out to pay the bills), and they knew and accepted: I am not believing in anything, at least not anything religious … teaching, working group on social justice (Ah yes, so to say PH and the pope), and if you see somewhere a photo, myself standing under a cross, teaching it is not faked ..
At some stage: Munich, Max Planck Institute for foreign and international social law – in fact, I had been for many years correspondent for Irish Social Law, submitting reports, staying there and availing of a special legal training – Hans-F. Zacher, call him mentor, friend then later. Poland, economics, China – Economics (joined venture with a university from Wales, continuing a kind of opium war until these days, asking me to teach the worst of economics that one can imagine; Hangzhou in China: social administration (that is how they call social policy); Munich again if I remember correctly: law … and being increasingly pushed into this question of law – power – and the powerless being of ordinary people … a letter, well email or WeChat message: would you like .. we are looking for a foreign senior expert … We? … Human Rights Centre at the Law School Central South University … sure, just hanging around … and of course: I am senior (in the meantime even retired), foreign (perhaps even more than others, as I worked often together with other foreigners; and I had been “foreigner in several countries”… well, why does expert really mean …
Actually, that: hanging around, is what I did most of the time during my life … it is called precarious employment …
And that is where I am now: a real law prof at a law school … and my assistant, lawyer to be, occasionally says, after a chat: I like your lessons in philosophy. – Rings a bell, I loved the “philosophical lunches” with Zacher, usually in the Amalienstrasse, more or less opposite of no 33, a memorial plate, only visible for me: In this restaurant HFZ and PH …
Of course, when Feilim asked me to write a contribution … could I say no? A first version had been turned down: “highly interesting — but too difficult …” perhaps I am actually more lawyer than I think: abstract thinking, while knowing: law, any kind of it, is only really relevant in real life, something politicians , judges, teachers have to learn.
But understanding always goes stray until it firmly arrives … I remember Julie, we have been 4 weeks (= 16 hours) or so into the semester – she turned to Brona: “actually yesterday evening .. I suddenly understood what he wants to say; and it really makes sense, much more than the usual “easy to get” stuff.

Li, Juan
She has taught on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the School of Law, Central South University, including sociology of law, jurisprudence, legal method.
She obtained her PhD degree in 2017 at Tilburg University, on a dissertation about social-legal studies entitled ‘The Practice of Rural Property Rights in China’. During her stay in the Netherlands, she was a member of ‘EDOLAD’ (European Doctorate on Law and Development Project).
Her present research interests mainly include law and development, law and artificial intelligence. Her recent publication was a co-authored paper published on Social& Legal Studies (Yan H, Li J. Decentred Deterrence and the Effects of Social Relations: Explaining Pesticide Regulatory Compliance in China. Social & Legal Studies. 2020;29(6):881-902).
Ó hAdhmaill, Féilim
Féilim Ó hAdhmaill is a lecturer in the School of Applied Social Studies at University College Cork, Ireland where he is Programme Director for the Masters in Voluntary and Community Sector Management. He teaches Social Policy, Community Development and Peace and Conflict Studies and his academic research and publications have focused primarily on human rights, social exclusive and inequality. He has a background working in the community and voluntary sector in Ireland, north and south over many years and is currently Chair of the Editorial Management Board of the journal, Voluntary Sector Review.; mail:
Okyayuz, Mehmet
Mehmet Okyayuz teaches in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. He studied Political Science, Philosophy and Sociology at the universities of Paris, Berlin, Heidelberg and Marburg. He completed his M.A. at the University of Heidelberg and his PhD at the University of Marburg.
Some of his areas of research and education are Labour Migration along with Political Theory/ Thought, Social Policy and Ideology Research.
Şen, Zeynep Deniz
Zeynep Deniz Şen is a political scientist and currently a PhD student at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara.
She received her bachelor’s degree in Political Science at Bilkent University, Ankara. During her undergraduate studies, she spent a semester in Germany as an exchange student, where she studied Cultural Studies at European University of Viadrina.
She completed her master’s degree in Political Science and Public Administration at the Middle East Technical University with her thesis titled “Family Medicine Practice in Turkey within the Framework of Neoliberalism and from the Perspectives of Family Physicians”.
Her academic research interests primarily include health policy, health care systems in a comparative framework, and public policy making/implementation.